Attention: Everyday Athletes, Gym Goers, Movement Enthusiasts, and Active Lifestylers

Unlock Pain-Free Hips in Just 45 Minutes – Proven TSR Method Helps Over 30,000!

The Proven TSR Method Helping Over 30,000 People Around the World, Even When Physical Therapy, Yoga, Chiropractic, Massage, Injections, Drugs, Pills, and Even Surgery Fail.

Now, you can use TSR to be pain-free too - in just 45 Minutes or less.  Here’s how…

Shane Dowd, CES, CMP


Dear fellow hip pain sufferer,

Does this sound familiar?

You wake up each morning with a dull ache in your hips. Exercise? It's a challenge.

Each step, each exercise is a reminder—a sharp stab of pain.

You’ve tried everything—physical therapy, painkillers, injections—but nothing works for long.

The frustration builds as you watch others move freely, running, dancing, and living their lives without pain.

You used to be more active, playing sports, hiking, or jogging in the park. Now, those activities feel difficult or impossible.

Your vibrant, active lifestyle is starting to become a distant memory, replaced by cautious movements and calculated steps to avoid pain.

It’s not just physical. It’s emotional too.

The cycle of hope and disappointment wears you down. You feel sidelined, missing out on activities that brought you joy.

The psychological impact is heavy, trapping you in your own body, desperate for a solution yet skeptical of quick fixes.

I know exactly how you feel…

If we haven’t met before, I’m Shane Dowd, CES, CMP, CEO, and Founder of

For the past 14+ years, I've helped over 30,000+ people fix injuries, get flexible, and build bulletproof, athletic bodies – for life.

But most importantly, I used to be where you are…

👨‍⚕️ In 2011, I had dozens of injuries and problems. Especially hip pain.

Doctors, Xray's, & MRIs told me I had:

• Femoroacetabular impingement (aka FAI/hip impingement)

• Labral damage + subchondral cyst

• Scoliosis and shoulder impingement

• Chronic back, neck, and knee pain and more...

In other words, I was a mess.

I spent over $25,837 on traditional treatments that offered little more than fleeting relief. Each day was filled with frustration and uncertainty. Would I ever move freely again?

Then I decided to take control.

I dove deep into the science & practice of hip rehab, exploring the relationship between muscles, bones, and movement. I discovered the real issue wasn’t just my bones but the muscles—tight, weak, poorly functioning muscles.

I studied with professional and Olympic athletes, and world-class trainers, and physical therapists. Over 14+ years, through trial and error, I developed and refined the TSR system for hip pain:

TSR Stands for: Targeted Tissue work, Strategic Stretching, and Re-education.

Tissue Work was my first big breakthrough.

I learned it from a Master Bodyworker named Phil, in Encinitas, California. He taught me how to massage my muscles in specific ways. I restored their tissue quality, reduced pain, and improved my range of motion.

This wasn’t your typical massage either; it was targeted, deep tissue work, the kind professional athletes use, but, I learned how to do it on my own body.

Next came strategic stretching—not generic stretches, but specific ones for tight muscles around the hips—quads, hamstrings, adductors, glutes, and hip flexors.

I learned 7 key stretching techniques by studying pro athletes, and some of the world’s most flexible people like dancers, gymnasts, martial artists, contortionists, Kung-fu masters and more.

Thanks to these techniques, over the past decade, despite my hip impingement, labral tear, and bone cysts, and other genetic disadvantages, I have become pretty strong and flexible!

Dare I say…from “Tin Man” to Superman”!

Studying these techniques was important because traditional stretches had failed me miserably!

So, I needed to figure out which stretches worked best for people like me (genetically stiff people) and for active people/athletes with hip pain.

Finally, I learned reactivation and reeducation—AKA how to wake up "sleepy" muscles and improve their motor control and strength.

This wasn’t about the endless glute bridges, clamshells, and birdogs they prescribed me in my previous failed attempts at physical therapy either…

It was about seriously improving my posture, motor control, and strength in key muscles around the hip using serious strength training and progressive overload.

The bottom-line is this: following the 3 steps of the TSR system was a revelation.

After wasting $25,837 on general/traditional treatments, I finally saw real improvements.

My pain decreased, my mobility increased, and I started to feel like myself again. I went from the verge of surgery to living pain-free, moving with ease and joy.

Today, my once "tin-man" body has transformed into a body that moves, feels, and looks better at almost 40 than it did at age 20!

Which brings me to you…

If you’re where I was 14 years ago, struggling with hip pain, I want you to know there is hope and there is a way out, even if traditional treatments haven’t worked for you either.

You don’t have to live with this pain forever. I’ve already helped 30,000+ people before you and I’m ready to help you as well.

Let’s start this journey together and get you pain relief today, in just 45 minutes or less.

To help you do this, I’ve put together a bundle of my absolute best tips, tools, and techniques…

Introducing: The 45-Minute Hip Pain Relief Bundle

With this bundle, I aimed to condense over a decade of hip pain experience into a powerful "mini-bundle" of resources to help you find relief from hip pain as soon as possible.

Follow the 45 minute routine in the program and you’ll feel immediate relief.

What You're Going To Get

The Ultimate Guide to Hip Impingement (Ebook)

  • How to assess your hips quickly and easily at home

  • Treatment options: Overview of physical therapy, surgery, and injections for hip impingement.

  • How to quickly relieve your hip pain and suffering, and regain your mobility 2-3x faster 

  • Why the proven TSR Method works - even when traditional approaches don't 

  • The simple steps to keep your hip pain away for good 

  • A natural and proven alternative to painful surgery

The Healthy Hips Quiz

  • Fixing hip pain comes down to mastering 7 key areas…

  • Discover which of these 7 areas you are missing to completely heal your hip pain faster and for good.

  • Improving even 1 of these areas can lead to 2-3x better results!

The Healthy Hips Checklist

  • A summary checklist of the proven 7-step formula to unlock pain-free hips in 90 days (or less)

  • How to keep the pain gone forever (without surgery)

  • How to build a bulletproof athletic body for life.

  • This simple checklist is a “best practice summary” of 14+ years of experience as a hip specialist working with over 30,000+ people.

Beginner Routine (Full Length)

  • 44-minute beginner routine to get instant pain relief. Perfect if you are new to the TSR approach.

Advanced Routine (Full Length)

  • 48-minute advanced routine to get instant pain relief. Perfect if you are ready for higher-level targeted tissue work, strategic stretching, and re-education.




I want to put this information in the hands of as many people as possible…

It’s part of my goal to help everyday athletes, gym goers, movement enthusiasts, and active individuals eliminate physical pain and create healthy, flexible, strong bodies quickly and for a lifetime.

So, for a limited time, I’m making this entire bundle, a $297 value, available for only $7 - a savings of $290!

Now you might be asking why I’d be willing to offer all this for only $7.

Here’s the simple truth:

I want it in the hands of as many people who need it as possible, and are willing to show me a commitment to invest in their recovery. Even this small financial commitment will likely cause you to use and benefit from the program rather than just saving it for your “to-do” list along with every other online freebie you might have.

It's my way of giving you instant results and proving that the TSR system works. This is the best way to show you it can help you too. I hope to earn your trust so you'll feel confident exploring more of our products and servicesd, and maybe even become a long-term client.

To summarize, you get:

  • The Ultimate Guide to Hip Impingement (Ebook)

  • The Healthy Hips Quiz

  • The Healthy Hips Checklist

  • 44-min Beginner Follow-Along Video Routine (Full-Length)

  • 48-min Advanced Follow-Along Video Routine (Full Length)

  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed – If you don’t think this bundle of my best teachings was worth $7, get a full refund, no questions asked.

When order today, you pay only $297 $7!

If your hips hurt and you can’t live your normal healthy, active lifestyle, don’t wait. Act on this incredible offer while it’s still available.

You can get relief from your hip pain in just 45 minutes by following the routines in this bundle!

Don’t Let Hip Pain Hold You Back Any Longer – Act Now!

Join the thousands who have found relief with the TSR method. 

Fill out your information below to get instant access to your 45 Minutes To Hip Pain Relief Quick Start Bundle for only $7. 

Experience the freedom of pain-free movement today. 

Fill out your information below and Get Instant Access for Only $7!

Get Hip Pain Relief Now!
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Deep SquatsTake your hip mobility to the next level with a 45-day program designed for all levels of athletes. You'll learn: how to fix tight hips permanently, what to do for low-back pain caused by tight hips, how to permanently fix "butt-wink", the best exercises for instant squat flexibility, and much more... The program includes: over 64 HD Videos with clear-follow-along instructions, a Quick Start Guide to give you a "birds-eye view" of how to succeed with the program – even if you have very little experience, the best mobility tools to keep your body happy, the best hip & ankle mobility exercises, the 4-Step Squat Checklist for instant flexibility improvement, and more.

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Meet Your Mentor:

Shane Dowd, CES, CMP

CEO & Founder &

For the past 14+ years, I've helped over 30,000+ people fix injuries, get flexible, and build bulletproof, athletic bodies – for life.

I'm a Certified Massage Practitioner (CMP), Strength & Conditioning Coach, Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES), and Flexibility/Mobility Teacher.

But most importantly, I used to be where you are…

👨‍⚕️ Doctors, Xray's, and MRIs told me I had:

  • Femoroacetabular impingement (aka FAI/hip impingement)

  • Labral damage + subchondral cyst

  • Scoliosis, Shoulder impingement

  • Chronic back, neck, and knee pain and more...

In other words, I was a mess.

But now, my once "tin-man" body has transformed into a body that moves, feels, and looks better at almost 40 than it did at age 20!

Others Who Got Results:

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